Register - Numicon in Geometry, Measurement and Statistics - years 3-6 - online webinar

Numicon in Geometry, Measurement and Statistics in Years 3-6
2hr live online webinar
Date: Thursday 7th April
Time: 9.30am to 11.30am
Cost: $50
Join us for a 2 hr online webinar for educators in years 3-6 who have already completed the initial Introduction to Numicon PD, and would like to explore the activities within the Geometry, Measurement and Statistics Teacher books. This session will investigate how Numicon is used to investigate Geometry and Measurement concepts including shapes, angles, coordinates and units of measurement.
Numicon Professional Development online seminars are full of practical ideas and hands-on experiences that give Educators the knowledge and tools to successfully implement Numicon in their school or educational setting.
This course is suitable for;
- Year 3-6 teachers
- Teacher aides
- School leaders
- Numeracy and Mathematics Coordinators
- Home school educators
- School and regional numeracy coaches
- Tutors and consultants